Saturday, January 19, 2013

Take The Poll: Is GOP Plan To Raise The Debt Ceiling Brilliant Or Capitulation?

Instead of drawing a line in the sand and simply refusing to raise the limit on Barack Obama's credit cards, Republican leaders are floating a plan to raise the debt limit if Harry Reid agrees to freeze Congressional pay if the Senate does not pass a budget in three months.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Is Alex Jones Trying To Take Over The TEA Party?

At least that's the opinion of Kristen Smith at the Western Center for Journalism. Smith says: "Alex Jones’s supporters are attempting to take over the Tea Party by infiltrating their social networks and groups."

Mayor Ray 'Hurricane Katrina' Nagin Charged With Bribery

(AP) Former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin was indicted Friday on charges that he used his office for personal gain, accepting payoffs, free trips and gratuities from contractors while the city was struggling to recover from the devastation of Hurricane Katrina.

[Video] Al-Qaeda Winning As Mali Spins Out Of Control

So much for winning the war on terror. As the situation in Mali spins out of control it's becoming more and more clear that Barack Obama is out of his league when it comes to foreign policy and more American lives will be in jeopardy as long as he occupies the Oval Office.

[Video] Limbaugh: Obama A 'Marxist'

Actually, the other Limbaugh, Rush's brother David said it. Watch the video below.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Missouri To Feds: Enforce Obama Gun-Grabbing Executive Order And Go To Jail

(Tenth Amendment Center) Introduced by Missouri State Representative Casey Guernsey, with 61 co-sponsors, is the Missouri 2nd Amendment Preservation Act. House Bill 170 (HB170) would nullify any and all federal acts, orders, laws, statutes, rules, or regulations of the federal government on personal firearms, firearm accessories, and ammunition.

Other States Also Fighting Obama Gun-Grab

(WND) States are getting into action, with several legislatures already developing bills that would simply pull the rug from under the president’s agenda by specifying that unconstitutional rules or regulations, or executive orders, won’t be allowed.

Actor Alec Baldwin Shilling For The Muslim Brotherhood: Attacks Michele Bachmann

(WND) Among the campaigns against Bachmann has been a petition by PFAW, a coalition featuring liberals such as Alec Baldwin and Norman Lear.

Issa Demands EPA Release Secret Emails

(Washington Examiner) House investigators pressed outgoing Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Lisa Jackson, in a letter noting criminal penalties for hiding federal records, to reveal all of the email accounts that she and agency employees use to conduct official business.

[Video] Ouch, Obama Gun-Grabbing Executive Order In Violation Of ObamaCare Legislation Too

Obama's recent imperial decree on "gun violence" is not only in violation of the Second Amendment. It's also in direct violation of his precious ObamaCare law. Kudos to Kris Zane for making the connection.

[Video] Rand Paul Says Obama Has A 'King Complex'

The stunning accusation that Obama is "devolping a king complex" comes at approximately one minute into the video.

Another Home On Journal News Map Robbed Of Guns

Quoting an article in Newsday, The Daily Caller reports: "Two handguns and two pistol permits were stolen from the New City home of a man whose name and address are listed on the website of a local newspaper as possessing gun permits, police said."

[Video] Rush Limbaugh Calls For Background Check On Obama

Barack Obama wants a national database of gun owners and background checks for everyone who owns a gun, but as Rush points out, there's never been a background check on the occupier of the Oval Office.

[Video] Marco Rubio Says: 'Obama Doesn't Have The Guts...'

Specifically, Rubio says that Obama doesn't have the guts to admit that he doesn't believe in the Second Amendment. Heck, he doesn't have the guts to admit he doesn't believe in the Constitution.

Group Training Reporters On 'How To Report On ObamaCare'

(Daily Caller) A private organization that "helped lay the groundwork" for Obamacare is hosting a symposium to "offer specialized education in health care reporting" for mainstream reporters from outlets including Reuters and Money magazine.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

[Video] Mark Levin Calls Obama's Anti-Gun Decrees '1930's Stuff'

Levin: "He clearly wants a national database where all innocent law-biding citizens that buy guns are in a database. Can I ask you a question — what does that do? I can understand a national database of criminals. Why do you need a national database of Americans that own guns? What is that for."

[Video] Get Your Stinkin' Paws Off My Gun You Damn Dirty Ape

It just seems fitting to show this portion of Charlton Heston's famous 2000 NRA speech, during which he warned, you can take this gun "from my cold dead hands."

Obama Nominee Hagel Serves On Board Of Soros Funded Organization

(WND) Former Sen. Chuck Hagel, President Obama’s nominee for defense secretary, serves on the board of a George Soros-funded group that advocates a nuclear-free world.

Fox News Hires Uber-Lefty Dennis Kucinich

(Washington Examier) Former Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich has signed on as a regular contributor to Fox News Channel.

Second Congressman Calls For Obama Impeachment

(Daily Caller) A second Republican congressman is suggesting that impeachment should be an option as President Barack Obama takes executive action to enact gun control measures.

Obama Enlists Doctors To Promote Gun-Confiscation Agenda

(Weekly Standard) According to a background briefer provided by the White House, President Barack Obama is asking doctors to help deal with guns. Here's the relevant passage.

Palestinian Ambassador Calls For The Eradication Of Israel

(National Review Online) Last night, the Palestinian ambassador to the United Kingdom, Manuel Hassassian, spoke in Parliament at the invitation of MP Jeremy Corbyn. Mr. Hassassian, according to blogger Richard Millett, claimed that Israel, as we know it, should cease to exist.

Did Hagel Steal The Election For Obama?

(Western Journalism) Chuck Hagel has been tapped by Obama for Secretary of Defense, which has resulted in a slew of push backs over his troubling record... But the most troubling aspect of Chuck Hagel is the fact that he may have stolen both of his senatorial elections.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Talk Radio Host Calls For The Murder Of 'Birthers'

"These God—n birthers!" screamed Mike Malloy, a former writer for CNN and one of the original talk hosts on the now defunct liberal Air America network. "Will you people please, please, get together with your AR-15s in a big circle, pointing inward, and on my count, open fire!" Caution: The clip contains profanity. Hat Tip to Brian Maloney, the "Radio Equalizer.”

Chicago Police Chief Threatens Owners Of Legal Firearms

(Impeach Obama Campaign) Last week [Chicago’s Police Chief Gary] McCarthy publicly warned licensed gun owners his officers would shoot them if they: “[turn] with a firearm in their hand” at the scene of a police involved incident.

Obama 'Kill List' Critic Found Dead

(Press TV) Prominent American blogger and computer prodigy Aaron Swartz, who spoke against US President Barack Obama’s “kill list” and cyber attacks against Iran, has been found dead in New York.

[Video] Obama Eligibility Bombshell May Come In Days

Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Mike Zullo are moving forward and a major blockbuster revelation may be revealed in the coming days. Watch the video below.

Obama Eligibity Challengers Urged To Protest Inauguration

(Western Journalism) Those who support Attorney Orly Taitz’s challenge to Barack Obama’s constitutional eligibility to serve as President are being urged to protest peacefully at inauguration proceedings on January 21, (the MLK, Jr. holiday,) and in front of the Supreme Court itself on February 15th when Justices will decide the merits of the challenge.

Harry Reid Named In Bribery Scandal

(The Blaze) A Utah businessman is rocking both state and national politics after claiming Utah Attorney General John Swallow helped him broker a deal with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to make a federal investigation into his company quietly disappear, the Salt Lake Tribune reports.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

[Video] Farrakhan Unchained: Says Django A 'Preparation For Race War'

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan says the movie Django Unchained is a "preparation for a race war." You can watch the rest of the interview below.

Michael Savage Issues Call For Third Party

(The Post Standard) The third-most widely heard talk show host, behind only Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity in ratings, explained a new, third "Nationalist" party could focus on "borders, language and culture."

Mark Levin Exposes The Gun-Control Agenda

(Real Clear Politics) We have evidence over one decade after another of how the very same people pushing for gun control against law-abiding American citizens support radical left-wing judges who are soft on criminals, support weakened sentencing rules, decriminalizing this and that.

Obama Opposed Gun Ban Exception to Defend One’s Home

(White House Dossier) As a state senator in Illinois, President Obama opposed legislation providing an exception to handgun restrictions if the weapon was used in the defense of one’s home.

Posted By: Chris Carmouche